
Hi, I'm Alik & I Like a lot of things!​

I have a background in global politics, communications and digital marketing.

Before joining the marketing and advertising world I used to work for the Province of Ontario. Working a list of roles ranging from Park Ranger to Policy Analyst. After departing the land of public service I have amassed a decade's worth of experience in marketing and advertising.

I love researching global issues and learning about different peoples and cultures around the world. To me diversity is much more than a buzzword.

As being someone with an Indo-Turkish background with family roots in East Africa, I've always found myself wanting to learn about other cultures. About what makes us all unique.

Alik About Me Image Banner

When I was young I loved going to family events, being surrounded by bright smiles, vibrant colours and delicious food. Soon after I gained a likeness for learning all I could about my family's culture. Which led me to educating myself on different world cultures and histories.

This is where I discovered just how influential film is as medium.

You can tell really amazing stories. Stories that are rich in detail, culture and history. Thus began my journey into foreign films, and I've been hooked ever since!

I am obsessed with film, culture, food, art and the diversification of media. I love stories that have you on the edge of your seat. Tales told by those who you wouldn't expect. And I am a huge supporter of film created by people of colour that touch on real and pressing issues.

Alik Likes Films is a place where I talk about spectacular foreign films worthy of your time. Here you will find me rambling about films I have enjoyed. For me, it's all about films that make you think. Films that take you on adventures around the world without even leaving your couch.

Join me on my journey and I hope you enjoy your stay!
